Governance Performance

In accordance with the Company Act of the Republic of China (Taiwan), the Securities Exchange Act, and other relevant regulations, Chenbro has established the Corporate Governance Best Practices, Code of Ethics, Integrity in Operations Code, and Sustainable Development Practices as guidelines for the implementation and execution of corporate governance. These guidelines serve as standards for the company's commitment to enhancing its corporate governance framework, strengthening the structure and functions of the board of directors, safeguarding the rights and interests of stakeholders, and continually improving the quality of corporate governance. This is aimed at guiding the company toward sustainable development.

Board Members
Female director
Chenbro promotes diversity and equality in the workplace. The 15th board of directors consists of 9 members, including 4 independent directors, making up 44% of the board. Four of the board members are women, also accounting for 44% of the board seats.
In accordance with the Company Act of the Republic of China (Taiwan), the Securities Exchange Act, and other relevant regulations, Chenbro has established the Corporate Governance Best Practices, Code of Ethics, Integrity in Operations Code, and Sustainable Development Practices as guidelines for the implementation and execution of corporate governance. These guidelines serve as standards for the company's commitment to enhancing its corporate governance framework, strengthening the structure and functions of the board of directors, safeguarding the rights and interests of stakeholders, and continually improving the quality of corporate governance. This is aimed at guiding the company toward sustainable development. For information about the board members and functional committees, please refer to the corporate governance section.
Integrity in Operations
Since its establishment, Chenbro has been dedicated to establishing a culture of integrity and accountability, committing to constructing a robust corporate governance system. The company has formulated 15 regulations, including Corporate Governance Guidelines and the Code of Integrity in Operations, and strictly adheres to all local legal obligations. Chenbro also focuses on anti-corruption, fraud prevention, and strict discipline, having established a complaint channel and implemented measures such as education and training, as well as signing self-discipline agreements to ensure business ethics are comprehensively put into practice. The specific actions mentioned above are disclosed in the corporate governance section of the company's official website.