Corporate Commitment

Chenbro upholds a people-centric approach by creating a diverse, equitable, and inclusive workplace environment. We are committed to providing employees with a safe, healthy, and high-quality work environment, ensuring workforce diversity and safeguarding human rights.

Talent Development

Chenbro is committed to creating a transparent and equitable career platform, ensuring equal opportunities and rights for female employees relative to their male counterparts. In 2023, 38.36% of the entire group consisted of female employees in general positions, and the proportion of female executives was 23.78%. Annual rotations and promotions based on performance evaluations aim to provide employees across departments with additional professional knowledge and skills. This approach facilitates the transmission of Chenbro's global talent's accumulated experience and strength and enhances employees’ diversified career development.

Employee Community Platform

Chenbro established "Chenbro Voice - Employee communication Platform", along with employee complaint hotlines, email, electronic newsletters, digital platforms, and electronic notices to encourage employees to express their concerns and suggestions confidentially, fostering smooth, two-way communication between the company and its employees. Chenbro conducts workers' representative meetings every 3 months. During these meetings, worker representatives are actively involved in formulating and reviewing crucial regulations and systems, including employee reward and punishment regulations, year-end bonus plans, and the use of welfare funds. The workers' representative assembly gathers and discusses colleagues' suggestions to enhance labor-management relations and protect workers' rights.

Workplace Safety

Chenbro has established an "Occupational Safety and Health Risk and Opportunity Identification Management Procedure", and the occupational safety and health window of each factory area conducts risk assessments on a regular basis. We conducted hazard identification and risk assessment at the work site every year and formulate relevant goals and management plans for high-risk operations. In 2023, the number of high-risk items defined in the factory area were 16; The occupational safety environment in the factory area will continue to be optimized in the future. Ongoing efforts are aimed at optimizing the safety of the environment, and Chiayi Factory and Chenbro Technology Factory have obtained ISO 45001verification.

Occupational Injury and Disease Prevention:
  • Chenbro has established an Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) team at the factory. This team is responsible for conducting internal and external audits that oversee environmental, safety, and health operations.
  • Various factory departments have designated first aid personnel and first aid kits for prompt emergency response.
  • Chenbro promotes a safety culture through company-wide participation in order to reduce the risk of occupational injury and disease while providing a friendly and safe workplace.
  • The company identifies workshops that contain occupational hazards, with "Occupational Hazard Risk Warning Signs" installed on-site and necessary protective gear provided in accordance with regulations. No occupational diseases were reported in 2022.

Occupational Injuries and Diseases Prevention Measures:
  • New employees undergo pre-employment training on occupational disease checks.
  • Approximately 1.3 million TWD is invested in providing necessary labor protective equipment.
  • Regular medical examinations are conducted for employees in high-risk roles.
  • Pre- and post-employment medical examinations are implemented for those in high-risk roles.
  • Workplace occupational health policies include protective awareness training.
  • Facility improvements include upgrading meal quality for food safety and replacing old iron beds in dormitories.

Information Security

Chenbro prioritizes information security and actively implements various protective measures. In accordance with relevant regulations and procedures, the company has establisheds clear policies and has a dedicated department to manage information security risks. With a robust risk management mechanism, Chenbro has not encountered any significant information security incidents causing operational disruptions or substantial customer losses.

Chenbro's 2024 Annual Information Security Achievements:
1. The corporate firewall successfully blocked approximately 230,000 attacks and threat attempts, averaging 19,000 per month.
2. Spam protection intercepted around 31,000 virus-laden emails, averaging 2,600 per month.
3. Endpoint antivirus software detected and blocked nearly 2,400 virus and spyware attacks.
4. The group conducted ongoing social engineering drills throughout the year, effectively enhancing employees' cybersecurity awareness.
5. Internal cybersecurity awareness sessions: 10 times; external seminars attended: 6 times.